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Quarantine Stalls



Quarantine stalls are open and airy, 12' x 12', with fans in each stall.  The stalls each open onto a paddock, with grass most of the times of the year.

The stalls are approved for quarantine by Dr. Reimer of the USDA for horses traveling out of the US, and we regularly quarantine horses exiting the US.  The stalls are also available for horses needing to be quarantined for other reasons.

The stalls are cleaned and disinfected between each use, and to meet the USDA regulations the stalls are stripped and disinfected prior to inspection.  The new shavings and imported Timothy hay are stored along with the horses tack and equipment in the attached, clean and insulated feed/tack room.  

There is a grooming/washing area, and horses are able to be exercised/schooled in the dressage arena.  Schooling can also be provided.

During season the stalls should be booked in advance.

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Rainbow over the quarantine barn

Shade trees

Shade trees

Beautiful shade trees add to the cool and serene space for quarantine



Bright and airy, cleaned disinfected after each use



Fans in each stall keep the quarantine horses comfortable at all times of day and night

Fresh water

Fresh water

Happy horses

Happy horses

Relaxing in the cool

Tack room

Tack room

Clean and insulated tack room

Grass paddocks

Grass paddocks

Chickens in the paddocks



Getting the trailer loaded for trip to the aiport



Getting on their way home to Barbados!

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